Moon Seeds

Wild & Wise Within
A portal to a deeper awareness
We take care of ourselves
We take care of each other
We take care of our Planet
Moon Seeds is an international project that connect souls from all over the Planet.
We recognize our cyclical nature and the importance of reconnecting ourselves to a rhythm that integrates and balances the needs of the body, mind and soul.
Our life purpose is to raise awareness around all the aspects of our multidimensional being, and to learn to tap into our intuition and wisdom.
We love to share those teachings that have and still inspire us in the life-long journey toward the Self and the Whole.
Learn about our products and offerings for your Mind, Soul and Temple...

1:1 Support
With this offer, you will be able to access
centered around your new moon intention and be gifted a
In this safe container, you will be able to manifest your intention and more deeply
walk the path of working with the energy of the Moon.
This offer is for you have been working with Moon Seeds for a few years, or you are feeling called to walk closer to the Moon.
Moon Walk Bundle

Our Team
A sacred space to connect with yourself
It is a planner, an almanac, a personal diary….
….and most of all it is an everyday tool, for creating a life in connection with our menstrual cycle, nature and the cosmos.
Through a journey that lasts a year, you will get to know yourself deeply and realize the transformation that occurs during the phases of your cycle, understand your needs you and the learn to express your full potential.
Moon Seeds Planner Is For You If:
... if you are ready to dive into your body wisdom
... if you are ready to embrace a life in tune with your cycle
... if you are ready to use at best your creative flow
… If you want to understand your menstrual cycle
... if you wanna practice fertility awareness and understand your cycle
... if you are ready to connect to with mother nature in a deeper way of awareness
... if you want to embrace menstruation as a ritual and a blessing
... if you want acquire knowledge about your body and your sexuality
... if you want to learn more about your emotions and their connection with your body
... if you are ready wanna connect with your divine feminine nature
... if you are coming of the pill or other contraceptive and you want to tune back in your natural cycle
... if you are on the pill and you still wanna try to tune into your body in a sacred way
... if you are ready to tune in with the Moon and her phases
... if you are ready to commit to a deep work of healing connected to the moon
... if you are ready to look at the patterns you are holding on and release them
... if you are ready to connect to your womb as a sacred space and vessel of creativity
… If you are ready to heal your connection with the womb and the Feminine
What they say about us...

Molly, buffalo
"Absolutely love my lunar camp; menstrual almanac. The amount of information, awakening and guide this journal has given me has been amazing. What I put into it and take away from it are so eye opening"

Ying, london
"This beautiful almanac of womanly wisdom is an invitation to participate in our creative cycle, to activate the fifth element, the spirit that brings together all the elements into aliveness"

Manda, Huntington beach
"This is so much more than a planner; a guide to lunar phases, an abundance of history. Using lunar rituals and herbal remedies eased my transition into motherhood and has been so helpful in my postpartum"